Docentes responsáveis: Prof. Dr. Alvaro Esteves Migotto, Prof. Dr. André Carrara Morandini e Prof. Fr. Federico David Brown Almeida
Programa: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zoologia do Instituto de Biociências
Resumo: Buscar uma síntese e integração para compreender a biologia e evolução da colonialidade animal por meio de um estudo focado com especialistas trabalhando com animais coloniais em diferentes disciplinas e estudantes de Pós-Graduação de nosso programa.
ECM 2024 - Evolution of Coloniality and Modularity - CEBIMAR December 9-20, 2024
Graduate Level Intensive Course (BIZ5787) Applications due November 11th
More informations:
Instructors in alphabetical order:
Alvaro Migotto - CEBIMar-USP (cnidarian/invertebrate systematics)
André Morandini - CEBIMar-USP & Zoo-IB-USP (cnidarian systematics)
Christine Schnitzler - Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience - University of Florida (Hydractinia regeneration, innate immunity, and cellular senescence)
Federico Brown - Zoo-IB-USP (tunicate/nematode/platyhelminthes evo-devo)
Gustavo Dias - CCNH-UFABC (tunicate/bryozoan/ fouling organism eco-evo)
Judith Winston - Smithsonian (bryozoan systematics/ecology/life histories)
Number of students: 6
Languages: Official language of the course is English, with occasional Portuguese/Spanish/Portunhol
Application calendar:
All interested students (USP and non-USP students) should fill in the following Google Form by Nov 11th (includes paragraph of intent, which explains why you are interested in attending the course and how the course could benefit your ongoing research):
Accepted students will be informed by Nov 12th.
Accepted students will need to confirm their participation in the course by Nov 17th.
Students in the waiting list may be called until Nov 20th.
After the pre-selection process above, only accepted students that have confirmed their participation will be directed to officially register for the course in November via official USP registration.
Registration costs: R$ 0 for USP students (alunos regulares), R$50 (approx. US$10) for all other students (alunos especiais).
Accommodation costs at CEBIMar (Dec 9-20): R$403 for the whole period (13 days) (approx. US$75)
Estimated meal plan (Dec 9-20): approx. R$1210 (approx. US$220), final cost of meal plan will be determined upon acceptance to the course.
All course participants are expected to cover all costs of travel to the USP main campus in São Paulo from their city of origin before and after the course.
Bus round trip will be provided from the USP main campus in São Paulo to CEBIMar in São Sebastião before and after the course.
We are in the process of raising funds to help defray costs of accommodation and meals to all accepted students. However, if enough funding cannot be raised, financial assistance will be provided to students based on necessity.
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